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What is happening at the M.D.?

Posted on September 12, 2019 by Vauxhall Advance

I recently read the Vauxhall Advance on the report from the consulting firm hired to, I am not sure: do the job of staff and council, or just turn them into robots to follow templates of governance?

The paper report states that they (consulting firm) would like to see all requests for decisions reviewed and revised, so that council gets the information it needs in order to make an informed and timely decision. Reviewed maybe, but I do not think anyone has the right to revise or alter a request unless you have the permission of the person who asked for the decision.

It sounds like the plan is to white-wash issues to fit the consulting firm’s mold for governance. The article mentions two long-term serving members leaving the district, which in itself was ridiculous, especially when you have a CAO leave that received recognition from the province for his work in that capacity. But after reading the mandate of the consulting firm, I can understand why.

You had individuals who could manage and think for themselves, told to throw out what they know and do, and follow the rules of order recommended or imposed by whom, the consulting firm? That makes one wonder what happened to council. They prefer to be yes men and women, deciding on issues presented, reviewed and revised to fit the new rule of governance. As a taxpayer, I would like to know how much has this cost to have this consulting firm teach council how to behave and think over the last year?

Councillors, CAO, staff and operators. The idea CAO’s should be replaced every five to six years like used office furniture is the most ridiculous thing yet.

A good CAO probably takes a year or two just to get to know the operations and governance, and then give him another three to get good at his job, then send him off and start training another to take his place? I spoke to a councillor from Willow Creek and they were thrilled that you made it so they could grab up Mr. Krizsan with all his expertise, and their hope is that he retires there.

You, on the other hand, are probably investing more tax dollars on a recruiting firm hired to find the perfect robot CAO to fill in the daily template set before him/her. Who is going to apply for a five or six-year position? It will be someone ready for retirement or better yet, someone who just needs a carryover position until something better comes along. Obviously someone who is not going to be too concerned about the long term. Common sense must be in the equation somewhere.

The article also states council must ween away from operational focus and concentrate on governance. I cannot see how operations and governance can be separate. In my view, both a good councillor and CAO have to abide by the rules of governance, but they better get to know the people who make the municipality work, right from the janitor up.
If you want an excellent work environment, you need to know the people who get the job done, better known as operations, be it office or field.

Councillors are just people elected to represent their division; they are not premiers, prime ministers or presidents.

They are just your neighbour next door who has taken time out of his/her life to give representation from all areas of the municipality.

I do not know about the rest of the residents of the M.D., but when I elect a councillor, I for one look for someone who can speak up for my area of the district, has the best interests of the area in mind, whom I can trust to take my concerns to council.

Not have them revised and redacted to fit the new role of governance before the rest of council has a chance to see or consider my request.

Council, instead of hiring a think tank to do the work for you, you may want to consider the fact that you are big girls and boys, so pull up your socks and do what you were elected to do.

Interact with your team, get to know the issues from operations to governance and become your own think tank.

If you need a referee to know how to conduct yourself, well you should look in the mirror for the answers to that one because it may be too late to teach an old dog a new trick.

Maybe spend less time in the classroom teaching people how to think and behave, and do more time spent out in the field doing what employees were qualified and hired to do. We might not be in the situation where we have to roll projects into the next year.

Let us get back to being a municipality recognized for its productivity and management instead of taxpayers wondering if it is capable of managing themselves.


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