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Trump in hail mary mode after losing election

Posted on November 12, 2020 by Vauxhall Advance

Whether you like, dislike or are neutral to Donald Trump, we think everyone can safely say these lawsuits being filed in multiple states are just Hail Mary’s trying to overturn the election results.

What the Trump administration and many Trump supporters are pointing to as “fraud” and “illegal” ballots cast in this election fail to mention, is the millions of mail-in and absentee ballots which in many states were the last to be counted due to state legislation.

But let’s be honest here, Trump could lose the popular vote by 10 million and lose the electoral college by an even wider margin than it is and he’d be pulling the exact same stunt.

Trump has never been one to be a gracious loser, and after these last four years as president is anyone surprised?

Could Biden and his team have done the same if the results were opposite?

It’s possible for sure but we highly doubt Biden would be going on Twitter tirades.

The way Trump has responded throughout the last week firing off tweets claiming victories left and right is not only a dangerous attack on the democracy of counting all votes but it also reeks of him trying to rally his followers into thinking they had been cheated of another four years of the Donald when there has been no evidence of actual cheating.

According to Trump, in an embarrassingly obvious press conference last week, announced, “if you count the legal votes, I easily win.”

Again, in most states, mail-in and absentee votes were counted last while in-person votes were counted first which resulted in leads for the Republicans.

And why did Republicans largely vote in-person? Because Trump told them to as he continually expressed doubt about mail-in ballots. And why did he do that? So he could claim “fraud” and “illegal” votes if he lost.

He did an oddly similar thing in 2016 near the end of the election claiming, “I’ll accept the results of the election… if I win.”

While media has constantly been labeled “fake news” over and over again by Trump in the past four years, it’s funny he has zero issues with spreading lies and mistruth himself.

Twitter has put warnings on most of his tweets last week regarding the election stating “some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.”

And it’s of no surprise many of his followers, not all though, are eating up what he’s saying and believe whatever he says.

It certainly is dangerous rhetoric to believe Trump’s tweets especially when news outlets, reporters, media personal- ities and even politicians on both sides are pointing to the facts and yet, they are still being ignored.

During Trump’s last Thursday night press conference, he also aimed at election officials in Georgia and Pennsylvania saying “election apparatus in Georgia is run by Democrats” and that “officials overseeing the counting in Pennsylvania and other states are all part of a corrupt Democrat machine.”

If there was a shred of evidence, this would be a major story and one that would need to be investigated, but the problem here is no evidence has come forward.

Unless you count Trump and several members of his family screaming bloody murder about cheating with zero facts to back them up.

And the whole “stop the count” movement from Trump was also a head-scratcher.

It’s so much of a head-scratcher that

Trump supporters in Michigan were caught on video last week chanting “stop the count” while across the coun- try in Arizona, they were chanting “count the votes.”

A judge in Philadelphia denied the Trump campaign’s bid to stop counting the votes last Thursday.

Trump desperately needed them to keep counting votes once he fell behind in Pennsylvania and Georgia.

And in any case, if you believe in democracy, counting of all votes should be the utmost important thing in any election.

With Biden officially declared the president-elect late last week, reports have come out that several Trump family members have asked for Donald to concede. He truly believes he won and lawsuits are still being filed but it’s a real long-shot that he wins any of them.

And recounts are likely to happen, and they should in states where it’s close like Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin but to suggest Biden’s victory is based purely on illegal ballots is just really unbelievable. While the election is indeed over, it sure seems like we have a long way to go yet.

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