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The following are selected briefs from the Municipal District of Taber’s regular council meeting held on Sept. 24. Coun. Brian Brewin and Coun. Murray Reynolds were absent from the meeting.
Staff Reports
Hamlets and Utilities – Directional flushing is complete in all three hamlets. Vauxhall to Hays transmission line flushing is complete. Vauxhall to Enchant transmission line has not started due to crops still in fields. Bow Island to Grassy Lake transmission line is currently being flushed.
Public Works – The shoulder pull crew has completed road improvements on Township Road 13-0 from Range Road 15-5 to Highway 36 and the construction crew has completed Range Road 16-0 from Township Road 14-4 to 14-2. The construction crew and shoulder pull crew have combined to start work on Range Road 16-5 from Township Road 12-5 to 13-1.
Municipal Lands and Leases – Interim report submitted and balance of grant funding forthcoming. Working with Welltraxx to provide tracking software for oil and gas leases on M.D. lands.
Software acquisition and data upload to be completed by the end of September. Land work (survey, subdivision, road closure, subdivision) for Vauxhall Rest Stop project 60 per cent complete. Landowner agreements for Township 8 Range Road 16 drainage project complete, execution of lease agreement for wetland component imminent. Oil and Gas Lease Inventory Initiative (data logged on 272 of 557 leases).
Infrastructure – Range Road 18-2 South of Highway 526 and Township 8 Range 16 Drainage project has had an application submitted to AEP for Water Act Approval. The tenders are likely to be in late 2019 with construction starting in 2020.
Highway 36 rest area has the subdivision process and road closure nearly complete with the detailed design still being worked on.
M.D. Regional Fire Service August Report
Barnwell – fire 2 (9), MVC 1 (3), EMS/public assist 1 (2), false alarm 0 (1), insp/invest 0 (2), M/A calls 5 (21), Enchant – fire 2 (8), MVC 0 (1), EMS/public assist 0 (2), false alarm 0 (1), insp/invest 0 (0), M/A calls 1 (4), Grassy Lake – fire 1 (5), MVC 2 (3), EMS/public assist 1 (2), false alarm 0 (4), M/A calls 0 (2), Hays – fire 0 (3), MVC 1 (3), EMS/public assist 0 (0), false alarm 0 (1), insp/invest 0 (0), M/A calls 0 (0), M.D. Regional – fire 7 (50), MVC 5 (25), EMS/public assist 1 (4), false alarm 2 (4), insp/invest 0 (14), M/A calls 0 (3), Vauxhall Regional Fire – fire 3 (16), MVC 0 (08), EMS/public assist 3 (12), false alarm 1 (4), insp/invest 0 (2), M/A calls 2 (7), total- fire 15 (91), MVC 9 (43), EMS/public assist 6 (22), false alarm 3 (15), insp/invest 0 (18), M/A calls 8 (37).
Eagle Spirit Nest Community Association
The Eagle Spirit Nest Community Association was looking for a letter of support from council for their Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta grant application for their First Community Wellness Program.
The group, in partnership with Horizon School Division and the Taber Public Library, is implementing a pilot project called the First Community Wellness Program which hopes to improve and enhance the lives of indigenous and non-indigenous community members by building capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy and mutual respect. Council unanimously carried a motion to provide a letter.
Bylaw No. 1953 & Bylaw No. 1954
The amendments now states that a maximum of three ancillary buildings are permitted per lot with a maximum total combined square footage not to exceed 3,500 square feet consisting of no more than one ancillary building with a max size of 2,500 square feet and a roof height of no more than 26 feet and must be constructed on-site.
Also, no more than two additional ancillary buildings with a max combined square footage of 1,000 square feet and individual roof heights of no more than 20 feet are allowed.
Council unanimously approved second and third readings of both bylaws.
Bylaw No. 1955 Municipal Assessor
Having established the designated office of Municipal Assessor in accordance with Bylaw No. 1955, a municipality must appoint an individual with the qualification set out n the Qualifications of Assessor Regulation AR233/2005.
Angel Svennes has been the M.D. assessor and administration recommended to appoint her once again to the position.
Svennes has been an AMAA for 15 years, remains in good standing with her professional association and fulfils the qualifications required by the Act and Bylaw 1955.
Council unanimously approved administrations recommendation.
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