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By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance
Come 2021, the town of Vauxhall will be celebrating their 101st birthday and if fundraising goes well, they may see a pair of new guests join in on the celebration.
With funds already in the coffer, several people, including Mayor Margaret Plumtree, are looking to bring two new mascots to the town.
“This is to see if council is still in favour of moving forward with the two baby mascots. Based on that quote we had, it’s just around $3,000 for the two. So far, money raised is just under $2,200,” explained Plumtree.
While COVID-19 derailed the centennial celebrations this summer, with a rescheduled date for the event coming next summer, they’re hoping to use that as an introduction for the two newest members.
“The idea is to have that unveiling happen during the centennial celebration,” continued Plumtree.
As the needed funds have almost been reached, council wanted to make sure no money was coming from the town in order to complete the purchase.
Otherwise, they all agreed they liked the idea.
“I would be reluctant to add tax revenue to the mascots. If it’s fully fundraised, I could care less. I just wouldn’t want to commit a tax dollar to it,” said Coun. Richard Phillips.
“That has been the plan all along. I knew council had no intentions of putting money towards it,” replied Plumtree.
Other councillors issued similar sentiments from Coun. Phillips that they would be in favour of purchasing the two mascots as long as all money had been fundraised.
A motion to approve the fully funded by donation only purchase of the mascots with the stipulation all funds be in place for the project before the purchase was carried.
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