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Horizon School Division reviews three-year education plans

Posted on January 7, 2021 by Vauxhall Advance

By Cole Parkinson

Vauxhall Advance

As in previous years, the Horizon School Division board of trustees have had a chance to review the three-year education plan and annual education results report.

“As a learning system, we receive substantial resources from Alberta Education that must be used effectively and efficiently,” reads a message from Marie Logan, Horizon board chair. “Our communities expect our schools to provide quality-learning opportunities including supports and services to children. The three-year-plan outlines the priorities of the Horizon School Division within the context of the goals of Alberta Education. The board of trustees is very pleased with the accomplishments of our school jurisdiction and the achievement of our students. The support of parents, staff and other stakeholders is essential to our continued success. The results in this report illustrate a passion for learning, commitment to excellence and belief in welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environments. As trustees, we have every confidence that over the next three years we will build on our achievements and continue to provide quality learning for the students we serve. We recognize that schools cannot do it alone. Together we can support all our children in preparing them for a successful future.”

A major portion of the document is the accountability pillar which scores school divisions across several categories over 2019.

Horizon’s safe and caring scored 93.4 while the previous year was 94.1, and there is a 93.5 three year average.

Overall in Alberta, the current result is 89.4 with an 89.2 three year average.

Student Learning Opportunities: Program of studies for Horizon rank 83.1, a slight increase from 82.8 the previous year and it averages to an 82.1 three year average.

Alberta overall currently ranks 82.4 and an 82 three year average.

Education quality for Horizon ranks 92.5, a slight decrease from 93.6 which carries a 93 average.  Alberta ranks 90.3 and a 90.1 average.

Drop out rate for Horizon was three, a bump from 2.7 the previous year and an average of 3.3. Alberta saw a 2.7 dropout rate and an average of 2.7.

High school completion rate for Horizon was 81.4, which saw an increase from 78.5 the last year and it now averages 82.6. Alberta’s rate was 79.7 and a 78.4 average.

Student Learning Achievement (Grades K-9): PATs for Horizon saw a 71.7 acceptable rate and a 15.6 excellence rate.

As a whole, Alberta’s rates were 73.8 and 20.6, respectively.

Student Learning Achievement (Grades 10-12): Horizon’s diploma acceptable rates were 86.9 and excellence ranked 15.6 which compared to Alberta’s overall acceptable rate of 83.6 and excellence of 24.

Diploma exam participation (four-plus exams) saw Horizon at 404, down from 44.7 the previous year and an overall three year average of 45.2.

Alberta was higher at 56.4 and an average of 55.6.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the administration of the 2019/20 Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) and diploma examinations. Horizon School Division did not write PATs and Diplomas in the 2019-20 school year. As a result, Alberta Education has not released an October 2020 update of the Accountability Pillar Results to school authorities. This Annual Education Results Report is based on available provincial and local data. Student Learning Achievement (Grades K-9) and (Grades 10-12) are from the 2018-19 school year,” reads a note from the report.

Rutherford Scholarship eligibility rate was 63.9, slightly down from 65.8 which averages for a 63.4 three year average. Alberta tallied 66.6 in the current year and a 63.5 average.

Preparation for Lifelong learning, World of Work and Citizenship: Horizon tallied a transition rate of 54.6 while Alberta saw a 60.1. Work preparation was high for Horizon as they scored an 87.5, while Alberta’s was 84.1

Citizenship ranked 88.4, while Alberta was 83.3.

Parental involvement scored 86.4 for Horizon and 81.8 for the province.

School improvement was 83.9 for Horizon and 81.5 for Alberta.

Another portion of the accountability pillar focuses on First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) students.

Student Learning Opportunities: Horizon saw a drop out rate of 2.7, down from the previous year which saw 4.1 and a three year average of 6.9.

Alberta saw a 5.5 rate and a three year average of 5.3

High school completion was 61.9 for Horizon which was a massive drop off from the previous year which sat at 91.8.

Alberta saw a 55.8 rate which was also down from 56.6 the previous year.

Student Learning Achievement (Grades K-9): PAT acceptable rates for Horizon were 48.2 while excellence was at 7.1

The province sat at 55.8 and 54, respectively.

Student Learning Achievement (Grades 10-12): Diploma acceptable rates were at 85 and excellence sat at five for Horizon. Alberta saw scores of 77.2 and 11.4, respectively.

Diploma exam participation rates were 10.3, down from the previous year of 15.3 and a three year average of 15.1. Alberta also saw a slight dip as they currently sit at 24,4 compared to 24.6 the previous year. Rutherford Scholarship eligibility was 50 for Horizon and 39.1 in the province.

Preparation for Lifelong Learning: Transition rates saw a jump for Horizon as the current year they were 49.1 compared to 44.7 the previous year.

The province also saw a slight jump to 35 from 34.2 the year before.

The board carried a motion to approve the three-year education plan/annual education results report.

To view the entire document, see

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