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Vauxhall council lowers lot prices

Posted on July 2, 2021 by Vauxhall Advance

By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance

In a bid to generate interest in unsold lots, Vauxhall town council began discussions on lowering their prices.

At town council’s regular meeting on June 21, they were updated on how lot sales have been fairing over the past several months.

Vauxhall lots are a width of 18.8, a length of 39.64 for a total lot area of 745.23 on average, with a total price of $40,000.

Looking at other similar areas across the M.D., administration showcased their prices and lot areas.

Vauxhall lot width 18.8, length 39.64, area 745.23, price $40,000. Cost per area $53.

Grassy Lake lot area is 888.34 with a price is $57,900, Enchant lot area is 941.5, price with a price of $24,877.21 and Hays lot area is 1040.98 with a price is $12,369.10.

A question was asked if lots were fully serviced.

“The ones on the east side need to have the gas lines connected but the gas company said they won’t do it until the lot is bought. The west side ones still need the gas lines installed, but like they said, they won’t do that until the lot has been purchased,” replied CAO Cris Burns.

With lot sales slower than council would like, a suggestion to lower the prices was made.

“Do we know our really full cost of developing those lots was? I would be happy to move one or two of those at cost or even a slight loss,” stated Coun. Richard Phillips. “I think once you see a house or two sprout up, it’s more likely others will clue in that this would be a nice place to build a house. Someone just has to be the first. We need to encourage that little.”

After carrying a motion to sign a contract with a realtor in early 2019, some on council expressed their disappointment with the results so far.

“I’m disappointed the real estate community and agents themselves haven’t been what they’ve been hired to do and that’s fill up these lots,” said Deputy Mayor Ray Coad. “Putting up a sign is not promotion. Getting out there and convincing builders that there is a reason to be involved in Vauxhall. We have had a number of them sell within the community for the last year and they have been much higher than $40,000.”

As a way to generate some movement within the community, it was suggested to lower lot prices by a large margin.

“I would suggest we lower the price to $25,000 and Ray might be right that it may not make any difference at all, but it might catch people’s attention,” continued Phillips. “Rather than just catching a glimpse of that electronic sign as you drive down the highway, I would like to see a nice professional quality, big, bright sign somewhere adjacent to the town suggesting that we have these lots available for low prices. I don’t anticipate selling them all at that price but if we could move three or four at that price, we could reevaluate and raise the price after to make a little profit.” 

A motion to place a new sign on town owned land and to reduce lot prices to $25,000 was carried unanimously. 

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