Current Temperature
By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance
The Municipal District of Taber is in the process of investigating current infrastructure capacities within the hamlet of Enchant.
The M.D. is hoping to verify if new lots can be serviced without major upgrades to the utility system, design Stage 2 to current regulatory requirements and provide a current construction estimate.
At council’s regular meeting on July 27, councillors were updated on the search for a new consultant.
“This was brought forward from a previous motion of council. We’re working for the same for the Hamlet of Grassy Lake — Enchant, we were able to get it done and get the information quicker. So, that’s why it’s before council right now. Ultimately, we’re looking to really confirm and validate we have sufficient infrastructure capacity to add on those additional 28 lots,” explained CAO Arlos Crofts.
According to administration, Enchant only has a few lots left for sale and once those have been sold, the area will no longer have vacant residential lots for sale.
“Would this address current converts like pipe size or anything, or is this strictly to do with adding on an extra subdivision?” asked Coun. Brian Brewin.
“I think you would look at our existing infrastructure capacity for the hamlet and as well look at adding on the additional 28 lots to the existing hamlet,” replied Crofts.
Originally, the subdivision was designed by Due South but due to the time frame to complete stage 2, Due South is no longer in operation. The M.D. had a cost estimate provided of approximately $1.4 million to complete 28 lots.
“We do have some pretty old infrastructure in some of those hamlets. I’m just not sure if that will help address, I guess, some of our future needs or concerns,” added Brewin.
“It’s my understanding, in regard to Enchant, the underground existing infrastructure is relatively new,” replied Crofts.
It was further explained to council the main thing was to confirm there was enough capacity to add new lots within the hamlet.
“The main concern here was just to verify that we can take on these new lots and we have the capacity in our affluent side of things and in our water side to just ensure that if we put these lots online that we can service them and make sure they come in properly. Or if we have the capacity, to say bring 50 new lots on, so we know what we got in the ground. This also includes with all design and everything up to tender stage,” stated Stu Weber, director of Public Works.
“So really it’s just to make sure that we can service what we’ve got,” added Brewin.
It was also pointed out future development in the area could lead to needing more housing options available.
“The lots are selling and with another feedlot up there in the future, there is probably going to be a need for more housing,” stated Coun. Murray Reynolds.
A motion to approve the proposal by Stantec Consulting for the price of $39,900 (excluding GST and contingency) for engineering services on the Enchant Subdivision Stage 2 design was carried unanimously.
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