Current Temperature
By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance
As the federal government continues to push for a reduction in emissions from fertilizers, the Municipal District of Taber is hoping to have a discussion about how this will affect farmers across the country.
Administration brought forward a council agenda item during the M.D.’s regular meeting held on Aug. 16 and they had drafted a resolution summarizing council’s concerns that were discussed at the July 19 meeting.
“Administration is very much seeking council’s feedback on this. Many on council, as individuals, are deeply involved in agricultural operations, so we are definitely open to feedback,” explained CAO Arlos Crofts.
Some councillors expressed frustration over the fact this has been put forth by the federal government without much information. Without further clarification, it was expressed it would be hard to meet these targets.
“My biggest thing with this whole thing is not knowing what they’re basing anything on. The lack of information around this is probably the biggest challenge there is because how do you respond when you don’t even know what they’re basing it on?” asked Coun. John Turcato. “There’s no basis as to when they’re picking the baseline. So, is the baseline picked as of today? Because with technology we use, especially in the intensive area here, I think we’ve already seen a 30 per cent reduction. Where is the baseline set? It’s hard to draft a resolution when you don’t know what the rules they are using for the implementation of this is.”
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