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From the Archives of Western Newspapers

Posted on May 4, 2023 by Vauxhall Advance

By Samantha Johnson

Southern Alberta Newspapers

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Tuesday, May 1, 1906 – Red Deer News

It is the absurd hope of certain under strappers in the Federal government that American farmers, who are settling here in the tens of thousands, will be attracted to their party. The hope of these partisans is the Americans are easy to deceive. They are nothing of the kind. Hardworking, shrewd men who think are not to be stampeded into the Laurier corral by the waving of a red flag and silly misrepresentations.

The hollow debate upon the capital question leads many to believe that all along there has been a secret understanding among the Liberal members of the legislature that the permanent capital was to be fixed in Edmonton. Calgary made no attempt to win it, playing off with Edmonton on a compromise. With an understanding between these two cities, the matter was practically settled. It only remained at the last moment to make a few uninspired speeches, take the vote and close the deal.  

Thursday, April 30, 1908 – Taber Free Press

News from Montreal is of a disaster to the small village of Notre Dame de la Salette, located 8 miles from Buckingham. This village is situated at the base of a large hill and without notice, half the hill came tumbling down, filling the river at its base and fanning out over half the village. A dozen houses were crushed and all their inhabitants buried. The village has no railroad, telegraph or telephone so details are sketchy, but 25 coffins have been ordered from Buckingham and all the doctors have gone to give aid. 

The lack of employment in Great Britain is responsible for acute distress in many towns. The trades most affected are building, engineering and ship building. The forty workhouses in London are full to overflowing. 80,183 people are in the workhouses and another 45,821 are receiving outdoor relief, giving a ratio of 26.5 paupers to each 1,000 in the population. 

There is a beauty spot out in the northeast part of town that some have deemed suitable as a dumping ground, including for dead animals. The health of the community demands that something be done about this situation immediately. 

Thursday, May 04, 1922 – Stony Plain Sun

Pupils enrolled in Alberta public schools total 124,328 with 5,320 teachers employed. 3,301 school districts and 68 consolidated school districts are in operation. 86 new districts were created last year. The school library branch of the Department of Education distributed 51,170 books last year amongst the various schools. 

When everything else fails, try this to start your car. If the self-starter has gone wrong and the crank handle is not available, jack up the rear wheels and shift into high. Set the spark and throttle, prime the cylinders and by turning the rear wheels the engine will become active. Do not take hold of the spokes when turning the wheels around. Use the tire because there is a danger of getting your hands caught when the wheels start to revolve. 

The potato market still continues very dull. With the season so far advanced as this, dealers are of the opinion that no improvement can be expected. A few carloads are being shipped from Edmonton at prices which net growers very little. These odd shipments make no impact on the 250 carloads in storage waiting for a market and a large quantity of these will be fed to hogs. 

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