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From the Archives of Western Newspapers

Posted on June 8, 2023 by Vauxhall Advance

By Samantha Johnson

Southern Alberta Newspapers

Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Friday, June 3, 1910 – Bassano News

This week was made notable by rain and snowstorms. The first showers arrived on Tuesday night but on Wednesday the wind veered to the east in the forenoon. It soon developed into a gusty gale, resulting in the immigration tent, among others, being blown down and their occupants compelled to seek more substantial shelter. By late afternoon rain began to fall, turning to sleet by 10 p.m. and then snow overnight. The precipitation was most timely and currently the soil is wet to a depth of between 3.5 and 6.5 inches. 

The industrial north of Ireland is experiencing a cycle of great prosperity according to the London Daily Mail. After a period of depression, the Irish linen and rubber markets are booming.

A survey will commence immediately to determine the possibility of making a navigable route between Edmonton and Winnipeg by way of the North Saskatchewan River and Lake Winnipeg. Explorers have reported that a six- or eight-foot waterway can be established on this route at a low cost and few locks as the river has a deep and broad channel for nearly the entire distance. 

Thursday, June 6, 1912 – Raymond Leader

The next session of the railway board is to be held on June 18 and there will be enquiries into freight rates west of Port Arthur and the Regina rate case will also proceed. Both cases involve the serious charge of discrimination. In the first instance, against all of Western Canada in favour of the east. In the Regina case it is claimed Winnipeg jobbers are favoured over Regina jobbers in the matter of rates on ten classes of goods carried. 

There is some uneasiness in government and other circles by the vast number of rural Scottish people that are sailing for Canada. In March, 4,357 of Scotland’s best agricultural workers sailed for Canada and thousands more are preparing to depart. 

Persistent reports are circulating regarding an approaching crisis in Spain due to alleged dissension between Premier Jose Canalejas and other members of the cabinet. These dissensions are attributed to intrigues by the Conservatives, headed by ex-Premier Maura, who seeks to return to power. 

Friday, June 7, 1918 – Coleman Bulletin

Two draftees arrived here last Friday and were arrested on Saturday by Constable Ford on the charge of being absent without leave. An escort arrived and left on Sunday morning to return the two Privates to Morrissey, BC. The boys evidently underestimated the importance attached to their presence with His Majesty’s Overseas Forces. 

Mayor Morrison returned from Edmonton on Monday. He’d been there in the interests of the Crows Nest Pass Automobile Association in an endeavor to secure improvements to the Pass. His interview with the Minister of Public Works was extremely satisfactory and work is already underway at Crows Nest Lake. 

All reports show the German offensive has been checked and ground has been retaken at some points. German submarines made an appearance on this side of the Atlantic. To date thirteen vessels, mostly schooners and tankers, have been sunk with some loss of lives.

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