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From the Archives of Western Newspapers

Posted on August 24, 2023 by Vauxhall Advance

By Samantha Johnson
Southern Alberta Newspapers
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Saturday, August 26, 1882 – The Edmonton

Heat in Winnipeg has been intense lately, ranging from 102F (38.9C) to 110 (43.3C) in the shade.

The debt of New York City is $97 million.

The Turtle Mountain squatters intend to hold their claims regardless of consequences.

The NWMP clothing is manufactured in the Kingston penitentiary.

A fire in Clendennings block in Montreal on June 15th destroyed $1.5 million worth of property.

A gang of American forgers have been operating in Montreal. They raise bank drafts, varying from high to low denominations, then issue cheques against them once they are accepted. They got away with nearly $3,000 before the game was dropped on.

Government land along the Qu’Appelle – for a distance of 70 miles and a breadth of 12 miles – is being squatted upon by 4,000 men. They are holding their claims by physical force and are beyond the control of the government.

Thursday, August 20, 1914 – Oyen News

The censorship of the British authorities over movements of allied forces on the continent is so strict that little authentic news is being received in this country. Equal severity guards the movements of the British fleet in the North Seas. Despatches on hand today state that English commerce on the seas is almost normal. The French fleets, along with Montenegrin forces, bombarded the Austrian port of Cattaro, completely destroying one fort and rendering the other useless. Belgian forces have evacuated Brussels.

A ballgame between married and single men took place on the diamond last week with the former taking the game.

Pope Pius X, who was in his eightieth year, died at the Vatican yesterday.

L.B. Foley originated the idea of the train wireless system and continues to make satisfactory experiments. Foley is the superintendent at Lackawanna and says there is no doubt the wireless can be depended on to send signals either from a moving train or from a fixed wireless station.

Friday, August 23, 1918 – The Coleman Bulletin

Private A. McGow, who has been wounded four times, wrote about his escape after being captured near St. Quentin. 74 were captured and made to strip out of their uniforms and put on old clothing. At dark, six of them jumped into transport wagons that were bringing rations to the German line. The soldiers snuck out near Jussy and crept over an old iron bridge the allies had blown up. When they made their way to the British lines, they were shot at because of the clothing they wore, McGow getting hit on the wrist. “When morning came, our men thought we were Germans and you should have heard them swear. When they discovered who we were, we were at once put in khaki uniform and sent to hospital at Noyon.”

In view of the situation developing in Alberta and Saskatchewan concerning feed for livestock, an order of council has been passed under the War Measures Act. The order states the burning of all straw stacks remaining over from last year is prohibited in the three prairie provinces.

French aviator Rene Fonck, the young ace of aces, recently won his forty-ninth officially recorded victory. Fonck hasn’t become attached to one machine, as most famous fliers do, but passes them off to younger pilots and takes a new one. When he talks, which isn’t often, it is of nothing but motors, new plane models, aerial tactics and machine guns. Fonck ended WWI as the top entente fighter ace, receiving confirmation of 75 victories but personally claiming over 100.

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