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Vauxhall council addresses full-day invoice for limited community hall use

Posted on January 17, 2019 by Vauxhall Advance

By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance

Vauxhall Minor Hockey was in town council chambers seeking a decision on an invoice received for Community Hall use.

Due to a lack of communication, Vauxhall Minor Hockey was hoping for a reduction or cancellation of an invoice for hall use during council’s regular meeting on Dec. 17.

“We received an invoice from the town for hall use. What happened was, we have a volunteer ball academy player who assists with instruction and he felt under the ball academy program he could use the hall like they do for dryland training. We received an invoice for $250 for one day’s use and he only used it for 20 minutes,” said Rod Huvenaars, president of Vauxhall Minor Hockey. “He would have never have used it if he knew he wasn’t allowed to. What we’re asking for is to forgive or reduce the invoice because it was an error.”

The hall was accessed through the meeting room from the ice rink and the doors were open, according to Huvenaars.

He also stated the hall was not being used at the time when the team was brought in and that it had not happened in the past.

A motion was made to cancel the hall rental invoice and was passed unanimously by council.

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