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M.D. of Taber June 25 Council briefs

Posted on August 15, 2024 by Vauxhall Advance

By Heather Cameron
Vauxhall Advance
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The following are select briefs from the M.D. of Taber Council meeting that took place on June 25, 2024.

CAO Report Highlights

Arlos Crofts, Chief Administrative Officer for the M.D. of Taber, reported to Council that there has been progress regarding both the roadside mowing and spraying throughout the municipality, using maps to highlight the exact progress. Another project Crofts spoke on was the Horsefly Spillway Project, stating that it was complete and simply waiting for final inspections to take place and that that was noteworthy to highlight.

Crofts also reported that The Grassy Lake subdivision has been put out to tender and that the M.D. is currently waiting for the tenders back, but it was split into two tenders: one for the sewer lift station portion of the project and one for the actual subdivision. Mid-July, Crofts said, is when prices should be seen back for that and dirt for that should be moving this year.

Reeve Miyanaga Report

Reeve Miyanaga reported to Council that Mayors and Reeves recently had their joint meeting of east and west and at that meeting, HALO was highlighted, and they showed their case funding model. Reeve Miyanaga stated that it was recognized that Taber is now an annual donor and so those numbers will go up as per the number of missions and it really speaks to the importance and life-saving measures that the M.D. donation has made. Reeve Miyanaga also recalled that HALO visited Council, they were seeking long-term, sustainable funding and now, they are at 5 years, but they would like to go to 10 as well as improve on dispatch. Reeve Miyanaga stated that the M.D. may want to look at a resolution that aligns with ensuring that all air ambulances in Alberta are that way and Alberta Health Services is currently doing a review of that.

The meeting, Reeve Miyanaga said, also spoke about the siphon at Milk River and the risk and the concern that has to irrigators and after watching what happened in the City of Calgary it made her aware of making sure that the M.D. of Taber’s infrastructure is where it needs to be and knowing what happens in case of a catastrophic event. 

In terms of Taber and District Housing, Reeve Miyanaga said, the annual audit meetings were held at Clear View Lodge and those questions, plus ones relating to social housing and how funds were being presented were answered by Administration to the satisfaction of the residents. 

Several members of Council and the M.D., Reeve Miyanaga said, also attended the Canadian Federation of Municipalities and it was a good experience, but the problems across Canada are the same here and everywhere.

Councillor Turcato Report Highlights

Councilor Turcato reported to Council that he attended the Highway 3 groundbreaking ceremony that happened on May 31, 2024, stating that it was exciting to see that the dirt is moving. Councillor Turcato also stated that he attended the FCM Conference, and it was very good, and he also attended the Town of Taber Kenya delegation reception after the M.D. of Taber was invited to attend by the Town of Taber.

Councillor Hildebrand Report Highlights

Councillor Hildebrand reported to Council that the Director of Advancement for the Highway 3 Twinning project is retiring and 13 have applied for the position, 6 did an interview, and 3 did a second interview, and the position was offered to Tenille Miller (check spelling). Miller, Councilor Hildebrand said, will start on August 15, 2024, and it’s good to see that the position is filled, and the organization is in a very good position to continue operations and continue to advocate for the twinning of Highway 3 for both the region and the communities along the corridor. 

Upcoming Meetings and Events Highlights

Arlos Crofts, the Chief Administrative Officer for the M.D. of Taber, reported to Council a few highlights of upcoming meetings and events, including that the Lethbridge County’s 60th Anniversary celebrations will be held on July 12th and July 19th, 2024. Crofts also said that the ‘Brighter Together Food Journey’ will be held on August 20 and 21, 2024 at the Agri-Food Hub and Trade Centre and the Agri-Food Corridor and that has an RSVP date of July 14, 2024. Councillor Claasen made to receive the upcoming meetings and events and the motion was carried.

LGFF Grant Update

Arlos Crofts, Chief Administrative Officer for the M.D. of Taber, provided an overview of the Local Government Fiscal Framework (LGFF) provincial grant, as it was a request from Council to ultimately share the capital allocations that the M.D. of Taber received.

The memo that Crofts provided Council stated that Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) program launched in 2007 and through it, communities have been able to build and rehabilitate roadways and bridges, water and wastewater systems, public transit facilities, recreation facilities and other key local priorities in Alberta communities, but the MSI program is ending and is being replaced by the Local Government Fiscal Framework (LGFF). 

In 2024, Crofts’ memo stated, local governments will receive $722 million, and of this funding, $382 million will be provided to the cities of Calgary and Edmonton, and $340 million will be provided to the remaining local governments. Funding amounts in subsequent years, Crofts’ memo stated, will reflect the percentage change in provincial revenues from 3 years prior. In 2025 LGFF funding will increase by 13.6% from the 2024 level, in line with growth in provincial revenues between 2021-22 and 2022-23. The $98 million increase means $820 million will be made available to Alberta communities, Crofts’ memo stated, and of that, Calgary and Edmonton will receive $434 million and remaining local governments will receive $386 million.

Of that, Crofts’ memo said, grant allocations commitments for LGFF for the Municipal District of Taber are:


MSI Capital: $1,300,755

MSI Operating: $332,264


LGFF Capital: $1,510,656

LGFF Operating: $331,264


LGFF Capital: $1,733,672

LGFF Operating: Not Announced

Crofts’ memo concluded by stating that for the purposes of the 2024 interim budget, $1,000,000 was the projected MSI/LGFF Capital amount utilized.

A motion was made to receive the LGFF information, and the motion was carried.

Donation Request – Trail 77

Council discussed a request made by Trail 77 for financial support that was made during the June 11, 2024 Council Meeting when the Trail 77 Singletrack Association attended with a delegation and presented the Association’s programs and plans for the community. As a result of said presentation, Council passed a resolution directing Administration to return on June 25, 2024, Council Meeting with an Request For Decision and the financial statements of the Association were also attached to the Request. A motion was ultimately made that the Municipal District of Taber approve an additional $5,000.00 donation to the Trail 77 Singletrack Association in response to their application to the Municipal District of Taber Donations to Community Organizations, Programs, Events & Activities Policy and further funding request, to be allocated from Recreation Operating Budget. The motion was carried.

Vauxhall Library Funding Request – Request for Decision

Council discussed how the Vauxhall Public Library Board requested that the M.D. of Taber continue with the fall debenture payment of $5,196.00 for an additional 15 years until maturity in 2039, and that the spring payment of $5,196.00 is currently being made by the Town of Vauxhall on their debenture. Council also discussed that the June 11, 2024 Council Meeting, an alternative funding option related to making a partial lump sum payment option was discussed, resulting in the following resolution of Council that the Vauxhall Library Funding Request be accepted for information , and that Council direct Administration to present additional information as discussed regarding the funding request at a future Council meeting, motions that were made by Councillor Claasen and carried. Ultimately, a motion was made that the M.D. of Taber approve the Vauxhall Public Library board funding request for an annual fall payment of $5,195 for the remaining 15-year term of the debenture payable to the Town of Vauxhall and the motion was carried.

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