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I attended an evening with our Town Council just recently. Apart from the subjects that were discussed, the most impressive reactions to comments and questions from the floor were the manner in which our councillors reacted. At that meeting and meetings of full council I have attended, proper decorum among councillors, administration and staff was most evident.
Contrast that with the behaviour of our MPs during Question Period. We see little proper decorum or respect for one another when questions are put forth and answered by the party in power. Other things that gall me are the general manners evidenced by all MPs when they pound their desks, boo, murmur or in other ways express their response to what is being questioned and answered. Have our representatives at Ottawa never heard these sayings, “We can disagree without being disagreeable,” or “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.”
We try to teach our own children at home and in the school classroom acceptable behaviour and respect for one another. It’s nullified to a great degree by our leaders at the top of our country’s government. Leaders, set an example worthy of following for us and our children.
Ray Sheen, Taber
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