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Vauxhall Legion visits with town council

Posted on April 18, 2022 by Vauxhall Advance

By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance

With the Vauxhall Legion sending out letters requesting financial help, Vauxhall town council asked a delegation to come to council chambers to explain their financial situation. While the legion was requesting money, there was no amount listed within the letter, so council was hoping to get a better understanding of what they needed in order to continue operations.

“Everyone knows we’ve taken a beating, just like everyone else has. The reason we sent that letter out, not to be vague by any means, any monies would help,” explained Rod Glas with the Vauxhall Legion during council’s regular meeting on March 21. “We’re just trying to keep the doors open and of course, the bills keep coming and like I said, everyone took a pounding on COVID and everything else.”

Glas also explained to council when they were doing well financially, they would support other groups within the town. But with the pandemic, they’ve experienced a drop in attendance and they’ve had to rely on their reserves to keep operations rolling.

“We’ve donated to a lot of things in the community and around the community, like 4-H, minor hockey, minor baseball, and things like that for many years. Nobody likes to come asking for money, but we thought we’d send it out and see if we can keep that place afloat for as long as we can and go from there,” added Glas.

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