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Reader takes issue over letter

Posted on July 25, 2019 by Vauxhall Advance

Attention Mr. Bob Wallace and rate payers
RE: Sad day for the M.D. of Taber (July 18 Letter to the Editor)

In my opinion after my retirement of more than 36 years of service with the M.D. of Taber and working under three of the four former CAOs, I am not surprised that there is no mention in the Taber Times or any news sources. Someone wants it to be quiet as possible.

You Mr. Wallace have at least one of your opinions wrong, but that doesn’t surprise me.

When you were an elected official, you refused to see any problems caused by you as an elected official and upper management.

My hat and I believe many employees hats are off to these new elected officials, for trying to clean up years of a hostile work environment.

Mr. Wallace, you were asked to acquire an ombudsman to assist employees with an avenue to use to report bullying, threatening, and hostile work environment, as well as an avenue to argue their side of a wrongful accusation from management.

This hostile work environment you speak about did not start with this present council.

It was present when you sat on council and you sir are blind.

I challenge you to join this sitting council in obtaining an ombudsman and go to the employees, so they have a voice and not suffer punishment for their input, then let see what disciplinary action should be taken.

And then Mr. Bob Wallace, let’s see where the problem really was.

My hat is off to the new council.

Thank you for trying to restore trust and moral to the employees, and return the M.D. of Taber to a preferred employer.


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