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By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance
The following are a selected set of briefs from the Municipal District of Taber’s regular meeting held on Feb. 26.
Hays Arts and Crafts Society
After previous council discussion around the money set aside for the Hays Arts and Crafts Society, Coun. Jennifer Crowson had discussions with members to find out what they still needed.
In their budget, $9,000 has already been added to the M.D. of Taber’s 2018 financial year for the Hays Arts and Crafts Society with $4,000 of it being for a tin roof, which had been scrapped due to costs.
Instead, the society was hoping to use that money for an upgrade to their eaves troughs and facia.
There would be $1,723.55 left to pay for the replacement and that amount would be paid by the Hays Arts and Crafts Society.
A motion was made to apply the $4,000 originally set aside for the metal roof to be applied to the replacement of eaves trough and facia.
Street Wheelers Race Warz
After successful events in 2017 and 2018, Street Wheelers Car Club from Lethbridge reached out to the M.D. of Taber to once again host ‘Race Warz’ at the Vauxhall Airport.
The date proposed was Sept. 7, 2019, with Street Wheelers supplying all needed supplies and volunteers to run the event.
Over the past two years, they had averaged 80 racing cars and 150 spectators.
Vauxhall Regional Fire Department would be hired for fire services as well while the club has also contacted the Vauxhall Agriculture Society to use their bleachers.
Council voted unanimously to allow Street Wheelers Car Club to host the event on Sept. 7.
Regional Fire Service Report
Month (year to date): Barnwell- Fire 1 (1), MVC 0 (0), EMS/public assist 0 (0), false alarm 0 (0), inspection/investigation 1 (1), M/A calls 0 (0).
Enchant- fire 0 (0), MVC 0 (0), EMS/public assist 0 (0), false alarm 0 (0), inspection/investigation 0 (0), M/A calls 0 (0).
Grassy Lake- fire 0 (0), MVC 0 (0), EMS/public assist 0 (0), false alarm 1 (1), inspection/investigation 0 (0), M/A calls 0 (0).
Hays- fire 0 (0), MVC 0 (0), EMS/public assist 0 (0), false alarm 0 (0), inspection/investigation 0 (0), M/A calls 0 (0).
M.D. Regional- fire 2 (2), MVC 1 (1), EMS/public assist 0 (0), false alarm 0 (0), inspection/investigation 0 (0), M/A calls 0 (0).
Vauxhall Regional- fire 0 (0), MVC 1 (1), EMS/public assist 0 (0), false alarm 0 (0), inspection/investigation 0 (0), M/A calls 0 (0).
total regional fire service- fire 3 (3), MVC 2 (2), EMS/public assist 0 (0), false alarm 1 (1), inspection/investigation 9 (9), M/A calls 0 (0).
Bylaw 1943 – Revision to Bylaw 1941
After a clerical error had been identified in Bylaw 1941 around amending the Land Use Bylaw to include regulations for retail cannabis stores and cannabis production facilities, a correction was needed.
The section designating a “Retail cannabis store” as a discretionary use in the “Designated Hamlet Commercial – HC” land use district was inadvertently omitted.
The public notice for Bylaw 1941 correctly identified a retail cannabis store as a proposed discretionary use in the HC land use district and the information provided to council at the presentation for consideration of first reading of Bylaw 1941 and during the public hearing for the proposed bylaw clearly indicated the intent to classify a retail cannabis store as a discretionary use in the HC land use district.
Council voted unanimously to pass all three readings of Bylaw 1943.
Bylaw 1944 – Re-Designate lands from Rural Urban Fringe to Rural Highway Commercial
The M.D. of Taber has made an application to rezone a 40 metre by 262.32-metre area east of Lot 3, Block 2, Plan 0211517 in SW 11-13-16-W4 from Rural Urban Fringe to Rural Highway Commercial to be consolidated into Lot 3 for the proposed Vauxhall truck/rest stop.
At the M.D.’s subdivision and development authority meeting on Feb. 19, they recommended for council to pass first reading and set a public hearing date.
Council voted unanimously to pass first reading and set the date for the public hearing for March 26.
Excused Absences from Council meetings
With Coun. Brian Brewin on the Rural Municipalities of Alberta Board, his board duties will result in absences for future M.D. council meetings.
While participating in meetings is permitted, there isn’t a guarantee that he will be able to participate in each meeting which led council to review if they wanted to make a motion to excuse Coun. Brewin from council meetings.
A motion was made to excuse Councillor Brewin for absences from Council meetings that may occur as a result of his responsibilities as the Zone 1 representative for the Rural Municipalities of Alberta in accordance with Section 174(2)(a) of the Municipal Government Act and was carried unanimously.
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