Current Temperature
By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance
As the Horizon board of trustees continue to review and update a number of their policies, they are still working on a number of them to fall in-line with the Education Act.
That work continued during their regular meeting when they reviewed a new policy as well as carried second and third readings of seven policies that were priorly discussed.
Brought forward was Policy IGAA — Use of Physical Restraints which states the board ‘believes staff should seek to utilize positive means in dealing with unacceptable student behaviour; physical restraints, when used, must be limited (to) situations where there is a threat to personal safety and/or the safety of others.’
“If you recall, I shared a draft policy in August of this, based off a ministerial order at that time, and that was supposed to come into effect from the previous minister on September 1. Minister LaGrange indicated that a new ministerial order would be coming in place at the end of August and then reviewing and making changes,” said Wilco Tymensen, superintendent of schools. “They take effect Nov. 1 and this policy is an update of the one shared with you in August. It aligns with the new ministerial order guidelines around seclusion, physical restraints and time-outs. As you know, the division doesn’t have seclusion rooms and our policy continues to not engage with that process but it does provide clear guidelines for when to use physical restraints and time-outs.”
First reading of the policy was carried unanimously.
The other policies brought back for second and third readings included Policy AD — Educational Philosophy, Policy BBA — School Board Powers and Duties, Policy BBF — School Board Ethics and Code of Conduct, Policy BCE — Board Organization and Committees, Policy BD — Board Meetings, Policy BF — Policy Development and Policy BFD — School Administrative Procedures.
Second and third readings were all carried unanimously.
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