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The following are selected briefs from the Municipal District of Taber’s regular council meeting held on Nov. 5.
RCMP October Report
Impaired driving / 24 hour / 30 day suspension 4 (2), assaults 1 (2), break and enter 1 (5), thefts 6 (9), threats 1 (2), mischief 3 (8), Controlled Drugs and Substances Act 0 (0), other Criminal Code / other statutes 22 (26), assistance to police / other agencies / general public 5 (9), 911 hang ups 37 (16), false alarms 1 (1), abandoned vehicles 2 (3), animal calls 1 (8), suspicious persons / vehicles 2 (3), lost and found property 3 (0), Firearms Act 2 (1), check stops 0 (1), traffic complaints 34 (78), traffic collisions 22 (20), bylaw complaints 1 (2), admin files 0 (6), total 153 (202).
CPO October Report
Animal call 6, commercial vehicle enforcement 10, assist other peace officer 3, assist rail police 2, assist RCMP 4, assist TPS 1, bylaw 7, checks top 8, commercial vehicle inspections 13, theft over $5,000 1, patrol 18, stationary radar enforcement 4, service of legal documents 1, suspicious vehicles 1, traffic complaint 1, highway infrastructure protection 2, traffic complaints 12, trespass 1. Barnwell – animal call 1 (4), assistance to other agencies 1 (9), bylaw 3 (15), emergency/disasters 1 (6), fire response 0 (3), property checks 0 (5), request for patrols/traffic stops 6 (25), school visits 1 (5), trespass 0 (1). Total incident types 94, total patrol routes hit 33, violation tickets issued 17, warning provided 21.
Enchant Golf Course
The Enchant Gold Club asked the M.D. of Taber to supply and deliver 40 meters of gravel which would be placed on their parking lot west of the clubhouse.
They also asked if the M.D. would level and smooth out the gravel, though council was not in favour of that portion.
A motion was made that the M.D. would approve the request by supplying them with 40 meters of gravel for their parking lot and was carried unanimously.
Highway 3 Twinning Funding
The board of the Highway 3 Twinning Development Association had requested for the M.D. of Taber to contribute again as a member for 2020.
The membership fee for the coming year for the M.D. is $3,586.50 based on their 2018 population of 7,173.
A motion was made to pay for the 2020 membership and was carried unanimously.
From the previous policy committee meeting held in late October, three policies were brought forward for council consideration.
The first was the Health and Safety policy which had minor changes in order for it to meet requirements of legislation.
The second was the Nomination and Election policy which had amendments with council shifting around board and committee duties.
The final policy was the Council Per Diem policy.
Currently, the reeve has a $276.46 per diem, $650 monthly allowance and $160 monthly retirement contribution while councillors have a $276.46 per diem, $450 monthly allowance and $160 monthly retirement contribution. Travel and expenses are set at $200 for the fall and spring conventions while all other expenses are reimbursed upon submission of receipt and mileage is a CRA rate.
Council unanimously approved all three policies.
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