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By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance
While demolition work continues at the Vauxhall Community Hall kitchen, town council has been working to secure renovation contractors.
Vauxhall council reviewed two quotes for the renovation project at the hall during their Jan. 18 meeting.
It was stated the original estimate for the renovation was around the $120,000 mark and quotes came in at $92,400 from Jordan Heerink and $92,524.08 from Murray Bexte Construction.
“We felt we could get right around that $95,000 range so this is right on par with what we had anticipated with the kitchen committee,” said Coun. Kim Cawley. “We’re well within what we have available.”
The kitchen committee recommended to town council to go with the quote provided by Murray Bexte Construction.
“Is there an obligation to accept the lowest quote or not?” asked Coun. Richard Phillips.
“No, council can pick the contractor they are more comfortable with, too,” answered CAO Cris Burns.
A motion to award the Community Hall Kitchen renovations project to Murray Bexte Construction was carried unanimously by council.
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