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Vauxhall Growing Project sees a return to success in 2022

Posted on September 28, 2022 by Vauxhall Advance

By Cole Parkinson
Vauxhall Advance

While the 2021 growing season for the Vauxhall and District Growing Project came with plenty of challenges, the 2022 edition was a huge success by all accounts. This year, the group planted a spring wheat crop and they estimated they harvested about 115 bushels per acre.

“The harvest went really well, we had to postpone it once because of weather,” explained Kerby Redekop. “I think that cost us a couple combines, but we still had 17 combines out in the field and I think four or five grain carts, and 10 or 11 semis. We had tons of help and that was awesome. The weather was great for harvest, the crop came off really nicely, there were 135 acres harvested in one hour and 25 minutes, and it was a very good yield. We delivered it straight to the elevator and the cheque is already in the bank account — a very successful year all the way around.”

Looking back at last year, things didn’t go exactly as planned. The group harvested earlier than usual and they elected to silage the crop. While they still returned quite a bit of money to donate in 2021, the group is happy with this year’s crop as it came off much better.

“Especially after last year, the weather really hurt the crop and some disease and stuff. So, we were a little nervous this year, especially with some late heat, but we did get rain in June which helped us out a lot. I think with the combination of everything, it led to an excellent crop. Yield reports from neighbours on their cereal grains are not excellent this year — I would call it average to even a poor average. On our crop, we did well above average, so for whatever reason, that field just ended up doing better. I have to give credit to everyone that helped out with seeding and spraying, and everything throughout the year — it just seemed to be the right recipe for this year,” continued Redekop.

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